Beratung zu IT-Sicherheit & Datenschutz

Die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung beziehungsweise das Bundesdatenschutzgesetz betreffen uns alle - jeder, der Daten von Dritten erfasst, speichert oder verarbeitet muss den europäischen Standard einhalten. Die umfangreichen Gesetzestexte regeln Rechte und Pflichten aber auch technische und organisatorische Maßnahmen zum Datenschutz, Aufbewahrungspflichten, Sicherheitsstandards und Vorgaben zur Dokumentation von Verfahren und Vorfällen sowie die Vorgaben zur Berufung eines Datenschutzbeauftragten mit einer besonderen Aufsichts- und Beratungspflicht.

Die DSGVO und das BDSG sollte dabei nicht nur schriftlich in langen Rechtstexten, Datenschutzhinweisen und Verfahrensdokumentationen umgesetzt werden sondern es sollten konkrete technische Standards etabliert und eingehalten werden um dem Verlust von Daten vorzubeugen, der unberechtigten Nutzung von Daten einhalt zu gebieten und Angreifer und Hacker zuverlässig abzuwehren.

Da umfangreiches Know-How sowohl im Bezug auf die Rechtsgrundlagen als auch auf die technischen Risiken und Möglichkeiten erforderlich sind um ein angemessenes Datenschutzkonzept zu etablieren haben viele Unternehmen große Schwierigkeiten bei der Umsetzung. Unsere IT- und Datenschutzberatung setzt hier an - mit unserer Expertise können wir Sie dabei unterstützen Datenschutz technisch und rechtlich angemessen umzusetzen.
Wir unterstützen Sie gerne! »

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Datenschutzberatung durch geprüften DSB
Umsetzung von IT-Richtlinien / Gesetzen
Analyse & Beratung zur IT-Sicherheit
Erstellung von Dokumentationen

Was steckt dahinter?

Das "Who is Who" - DSGVO, GDPR, BDSG, TMG, ...
Innerhalb der EU gilt seit 2018 die sogenannte General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), die in Deutschland unter der Bezeichnung "Datenschutz-Grundverordnung" (DSGVO) in nationales Recht umgesetzt wurde. Das Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG) präzisiert die Regelungen der DSGVO und fügt weitere nationale Regelungen hinzu. Für Betreiber von Internetangeboten ist zudem das Telemediengesetzes (TMG) relevant. Dies bezieht sich allerdings weniger auf den Datenschutz als auf grundlegende Regelungen im IT-Recht.

Was ist Datenschutzberatung?
Unser TÜV geprüfter Datenschutzbeauftragter mit juristischer Qalifikation berät Sie gerne zu Fragen rund um die Umsetzung von Datenschutzrecht in Ihren konkreten Projekten. Darüber hinausgehende zivilrechtliche Fragestellungen hingegen fallen nicht in den Bereich der Datenschutzberatung.

Die rechtliche Seite: DSGVO

Die DSGVO beziehungsweise das Bundesdatenschutzgesetz stellen verschiedene Forderungen an Unternehmen und Organisationen die zwingend einzuhalten sind um rechtskonform Daten zu verarbeiten. Als Verarbeiter von Daten zählen Sie schon dann, wenn Sie die Daten von Mitarbeitenden oder Kunden erfassen oder speichern.

Damit gilt die DSGVO sowohl für Kleinstunternehmen und Vereine wie auch für große Unternehmen und global Player.

Während die gesetzlichen Regelungen in vielen Bereichen sehr präzise Vorgaben machen welche Dokumente und Verfahren es geben muss und welche Rechte, Pflichten und Fristen gelten, gibt es in vielen Bereichen auch große Unsicherheiten. Häufiger werden Maßnahmen gefordert die sich am Stand der Technik orientieren oder technische Notwendigkeit und Machbarkeit zur Maßgabe machen.

Im Rahmen einer rechtlichen Datenschutzberatung geht es darum Sie über Ihre Rechte und Pflichten als Datenverarbeiter zu informieren und gemeinsam zu prüfen und sicherzustellen, dass die geforderten Unterlagen und Prozesse korrekt umgesetzt werden. Wir zeigen Ihnen gernen auch Tools und Best Practices zur Umsetzung der Rechte Betroffener und Ihrer Pflichten als Verarbeiter.

Wir unterstützen Sie dabei den Überblick zu bewahren!

Die technische Seite: IT-Sicherheit

Während die rechtliche Seite sich viel mit Fragen nach Rechten und Pflichten, der Haftung und der Verantwortung beschäftigt, ist die technische Seite des Datenschutzes sehr viel präziser:

Wie verhindern Sie, dass Ihre Daten in falsche Hände kommen?

Sie sammeln und verarbeiten vermutlich jeden Tag Daten von Dritten und speichern diese in internen Tools, verarbeiten sie auf Ihren oder fremden Servern, übertragen Sie zu Dienstleistern oder bauen sogar einen wesentlichen Teil Ihrer Tätigkeit auf der Verarbeitung auf.

Ein potentieller Angreifer oder Hacker versucht stets den schwächsten Punkt zu identifizieren, um Zugriff zu Ihren Daten zu erlangen. Häufig nutzen Hacker dazu bekannte Sicherheitslücken nicht aktualisierter Systeme aus, suchen nach vergessenen oder auch versehentlich offen stehenden Türen oder greifen sensible Zugangsdaten ab, wodurch sie auch ohne große Anstrengungen unberechtigten Zugang erlangen und viel Schaden anrichten können. Dabei müssen Sie nichtmal das primäre Ziel des Angriffs sein, sondern könnten vermeintlich auch Opfer eines größer angelegten Angriffs auf mehrere Unternehmen werden.

Wir unterstützen Sie dabei, ein Sicherheitskonzept in Ihrer IT zu etablieren und die Angriffflächen zu reduzieren.

IT-Sicherheit - bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden

Täglich werden neue Schwachstellen, Angriffs-Vektoren, Cyber-Attaken und Fehler in Software, Netzwerken und Infrastrukturen bekannt - teilweise betreffen diese nur bestimmte Softwarelösungen oder spezifische Szenarien, manchmal betreffen Sie jedoch auch ganze Industriezweige, weit verbreitete Arbeitsweisen und grundlegende Technologien wie bei Heartbleed (SSL) oder Log4Shell (Protokollierung). Ergreifen Sie Maßnahmen, um Ihre Infrastruktur und Daten sicher zu halten.

Gemeinsam erfassen wir, welche Komponten und Abhängigkeiten Sie einsetzen und überwachen die CVE und viele weitere Quellen um im Falle von Mängeln oder Angriffspunkten schnell handeln zu können.

Wir simulieren Angriffe und Testen Ihre Anwendungen, Webseiten, die Infrastruktur und Prozesse auf mögliche Sicherheitslücken, Mängel und Angriffsvektoren um Risiken fürhzeitig zu erknennen und Lücken zu schließen.

Wir implementieren aktiv Monitore und überwachen somit Anfragen um frühzeitig Angriffe und verdächtige Aktivitäten zu identifizieren. Verdächte Aktivitäten können zur Alarmierung oder zu automatischen Sperrungen und Ausschlüssen führen, um einen hohen Standard zu gewährleisten.

Den Bedrohungen der IT-Welt sind Sie nicht schutzlos ausgeliefert - es ist jedoch wichtig dem Thema IT-Sicherheit Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken, um einen verantwortungsbewussten und rechtskonformen Umgang mit Unternehmens- und Kundendaten zu gewährleisten.
Risiko / Label Veröffentlichung
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-10740 vor 420 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, was found in code-projects E-Health Care System up to 1.0. This affects an unknown part of the file /Admin/consulting_detail.php. The manipulation of the argument consulting_id leads to sql injection. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-1163 vor 421 Stunde(n)
The attacker may exploit a path traversal vulnerability leading to information disclosure.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-10739 vor 422 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, has been found in code-projects E-Health Care System 1.0. Affected by this issue is some unknown functionality of the file /Admin/adminlogin.php. The manipulation of the argument email/admin_pswd as part of String leads to sql injection. The attack may be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The initial researcher advisory only mentions the parameter "email" to be affected. But it must be assumed that parameter "admin_pswd" is affected as well.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-10738 vor 423 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability classified as critical was found in itsourcecode Farm Management System 1.0. Affected by this vulnerability is an unknown functionality of the file manage-breed.php. The manipulation of the argument breed leads to sql injection. The attack can be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-7473 vor 423 Stunde(n)
An IDOR vulnerability exists in the 'Evaluations' function of the 'umgws datasets' section in lunary-ai/lunary versions 1.3.2. This vulnerability allows an authenticated user to update other users' prompts by manipulating the 'id' parameter in the request. The issue is fixed in version 1.4.3.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-6959 vor 423 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability in parisneo/lollms-webui version 9.8 allows for a Denial of Service (DOS) attack when uploading an audio file. If an attacker appends a large number of characters to the end of a multipart boundary, the system will continuously process each character, rendering lollms-webui inaccessible. This issue is exacerbated by the lack of Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection, enabling remote exploitation. The vulnerability leads to service disruption, resource exhaustion, and extended downtime.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-7038 vor 423 Stunde(n)
An information disclosure vulnerability exists in open-webui version 0.3.8. The vulnerability is related to the embedding model update feature under admin settings. When a user updates the model path, the system checks if the file exists and provides different error messages based on the existence and configuration of the file. This behavior allows an attacker to enumerate file names and traverse directories by observing the error messages, leading to potential exposure of sensitive information.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-6582 vor 423 Stunde(n)
A broken access control vulnerability exists in the latest version of lunary-ai/lunary. The `saml.ts` file allows a user from one organization to update the Identity Provider (IDP) settings and view the SSO metadata of another organization. This vulnerability can lead to unauthorized access and potential account takeover if the email of a user in the target organization is known.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-2965 vor 423 Stunde(n)
A Denial-of-Service (DoS) vulnerability exists in the `SitemapLoader` class of the `langchain-ai/langchain` repository, affecting all versions. The `parse_sitemap` method, responsible for parsing sitemaps and extracting URLs, lacks a mechanism to prevent infinite recursion when a sitemap URL refers to the current sitemap itself. This oversight allows for the possibility of an infinite loop, leading to a crash by exceeding the maximum recursion depth in Python. This vulnerability can be exploited to occupy server socket/port resources and crash the Python process, impacting the availability of services relying on this functionality.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-3408 vor 423 Stunde(n)
man-group/dtale version 3.10.0 is vulnerable to an authentication bypass and remote code execution (RCE) due to improper input validation. The vulnerability arises from a hardcoded `SECRET_KEY` in the flask configuration, allowing attackers to forge a session cookie if authentication is enabled. Additionally, the application fails to properly restrict custom filter queries, enabling attackers to execute arbitrary code on the server by bypassing the restriction on the `/update-settings` endpoint, even when `enable_custom_filters` is not enabled. This vulnerability allows attackers to bypass authentication mechanisms and execute remote code on the server.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-3102 vor 423 Stunde(n)
A JSON Injection vulnerability exists in the `mintplex-labs/anything-llm` application, specifically within the username parameter during the login process at the `/api/request-token` endpoint. The vulnerability arises from improper handling of values, allowing attackers to perform brute force attacks without prior knowledge of the username. Once the password is known, attackers can conduct blind attacks to ascertain the full username, significantly compromising system security.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-5128 vor 423 Stunde(n)
An Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR) vulnerability was identified in lunary-ai/lunary, affecting versions up to and including 1.2.2. This vulnerability allows unauthorized users to view, update, or delete any dataset_prompt or dataset_prompt_variation within any dataset or project. The issue stems from improper access control checks in the dataset management endpoints, where direct references to object IDs are not adequately secured against unauthorized access. This vulnerability was fixed in version 1.2.25.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-5130 vor 423 Stunde(n)
An Incorrect Authorization vulnerability exists in lunary-ai/lunary versions up to and including 1.2.2, which allows unauthenticated users to delete any dataset. The vulnerability is due to the lack of proper authorization checks in the dataset deletion endpoint. Specifically, the endpoint does not verify if the provided project ID belongs to the current user, thereby allowing any dataset to be deleted without proper authentication. This issue was fixed in version 1.2.8.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-4888 vor 423 Stunde(n)
BerriAI's litellm, in its latest version, is vulnerable to arbitrary file deletion due to improper input validation on the `/audio/transcriptions` endpoint. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by sending a specially crafted request that includes a file path to the server, which then deletes the specified file without proper authorization or validation. This vulnerability is present in the code where `os.remove(file.filename)` is used to delete a file, allowing any user to delete critical files on the server such as SSH keys, SQLite databases, or configuration files.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-5131 vor 423 Stunde(n)
An Improper Access Control vulnerability exists in the lunary-ai/lunary repository, affecting versions up to and including 1.2.2. The vulnerability allows unauthorized users to view any prompts in any projects by supplying a specific prompt ID to an endpoint that does not adequately verify the ownership of the prompt ID. This issue was fixed in version 1.2.25.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-3033 vor 423 Stunde(n)
An improper authorization vulnerability exists in the mintplex-labs/anything-llm application, specifically within the '/api/v/' endpoint and its sub-routes. This flaw allows unauthenticated users to perform destructive actions on the VectorDB, including resetting the database and deleting specific namespaces, without requiring any authorization or permissions. The issue affects all versions up to and including the latest version, with a fix introduced in version 1.0.0. Exploitation of this vulnerability can lead to complete data loss of document embeddings across all workspaces, rendering workspace chats and embeddable chat widgets non-functional. Additionally, attackers can list all namespaces, potentially exposing private workspace names.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-5127 vor 423 Stunde(n)
In lunary-ai/lunary versions 1.2.2 through 1.2.25, an improper access control vulnerability allows users on the Free plan to invite other members and assign them any role, including those intended for Paid and Enterprise plans only. This issue arises due to insufficient backend validation of roles and permissions, enabling unauthorized users to join a project and potentially exploit roles and permissions not intended for their use. The vulnerability specifically affects the Team feature, where the backend fails to validate whether a user has paid for a plan before allowing them to send invite links with any role assigned. This could lead to unauthorized access and manipulation of project settings or data.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-5248 vor 423 Stunde(n)
In lunary-ai/lunary version 1.2.5, an improper access control vulnerability exists due to a missing permission check in the `GET /v1/users/me/org` endpoint. The platform's role definitions restrict the `Prompt Editor` role to prompt management and project viewing/listing capabilities, explicitly excluding access to user information. However, the endpoint fails to enforce this restriction, allowing users with the `Prompt Editor` role to access the full list of users in the organization. This vulnerability allows unauthorized access to sensitive user information, violating the intended access controls.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-10736 vor 425 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability was found in Codezips Free Exam Hall Seating Management System 1.0. It has been rated as critical. This issue affects some unknown processing of the file /student.php. The manipulation of the argument email leads to sql injection. The attack may be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-10737 vor 425 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability classified as critical has been found in Codezips Free Exam Hall Seating Management System 1.0. Affected is an unknown function of the file /teacher.php. The manipulation of the argument email leads to sql injection. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-10735 vor 426 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability was found in Project Worlds Life Insurance Management System 1.0. It has been declared as critical. This vulnerability affects unknown code of the file /editNominee.php. The manipulation of the argument nominee_id leads to sql injection. The attack can be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-10734 vor 427 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability was found in Project Worlds Life Insurance Management System 1.0. It has been classified as critical. This affects an unknown part of the file /editPayment.php. The manipulation of the argument recipt_no leads to sql injection. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-10733 vor 428 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability was found in code-projects Restaurant Order System 1.0 and classified as critical. Affected by this issue is some unknown functionality of the file /login.php. The manipulation of the argument uid leads to sql injection. The attack may be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-10732 vor 429 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability has been found in Tongda OA 2017 up to 11.10 and classified as critical. Affected by this vulnerability is an unknown functionality of the file /module/word_model/view/index.php. The manipulation of the argument query_str leads to sql injection. The attack can be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-10731 vor 430 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, was found in Tongda OA up to 11.10. Affected is an unknown function of the file /pda/appcenter/check_seal.php. The manipulation of the argument ID leads to sql injection. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-10730 vor 431 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability, which was classified as critical, has been found in Tongda OA up to 11.6. This issue affects some unknown processing of the file /pda/appcenter/web_show.php. The manipulation of the argument ID leads to sql injection. The attack may be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-7081 vor 445 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability was found in itsourcecode Tailoring Management System 1.0. It has been rated as critical. Affected by this issue is some unknown functionality of the file expcatadd.php. The manipulation of the argument id/title leads to sql injection. The attack may be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-10701 vor 446 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability was found in PHPGurukul Car Rental Portal 1.0. It has been rated as problematic. This issue affects some unknown processing of the file /search.php. The manipulation of the argument searchdata leads to cross site scripting. The attack may be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-10702 vor 446 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability classified as critical has been found in code-projects Simple Car Rental System 1.0. Affected is an unknown function of the file /signup.php. The manipulation of the argument fname leads to sql injection. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used.
Risiko ? / 10 CVE-2024-10700 vor 448 Stunde(n)
A vulnerability was found in code-projects University Event Management System 1.0. It has been declared as critical. This vulnerability affects unknown code of the file submit.php. The manipulation of the argument name/email/title/Year/gender/fromdate/todate/people leads to sql injection. The attack can be initiated remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The initial researcher advisory only mentions the parameter "name" to be affected. But it must be assumed that a variety of other parameters is affected too.

Das "CVE"-Repository (eng. Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) stellt eine Liste bekannter Schwachstellen und Sicherheitslücken in IT-Systemen unter Führung des "US-amerikanischen National Cybersecurity" zusammen und bewertet diese anhand Ihres Risikos auf einer Skala von eins bis zehn.

Gerade im Bereich von Web-Technologien und Cloud-Software werden regelmäßig Hacks und Sicherheitslücken bekannt. Die betroffenen Unternehmen erleiden in der Regel nicht nur einen Image-Schaden sondern stehen womöglich gegenüber Ihren Kunden auch in der rechtlichen Verantwortung. Das Projekt "Have I Been Pwned" sammelt seit Jahren Daten die aus Hacks oder Datenlecks öffentlich zugänglich werden und bietet einen Service um zu prüfen, ob man selbst von diesen Hacks betroffen wurde.

18.11.2024 - FlipaClip 892.854 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Geographic locations, Names

In November 2024, the animation app FlipaClip suffered a data breach that exposed almost 900k records due to an exposed Firebase server. The impacted data included name, email address, country and date of birth. FlipaClip advised the issue has since been rectified.
19.10.2024 - Hot Topic 56.904.909 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Names, Partial credit card data, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Purchases, Salutations

In October 2024, retailer Hot Topic suffered a data breach that exposed 57 million unique email addresses. The impacted data also included physical addresses, phone numbers, purchases, genders, dates of birth and partial credit data containing card type, expiry and last 4 digits.
16.10.2024 - Earth 2 420.961 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Usernames

In October 2024, 421k unique email addresses from the virtual earth game Earth 2 were derived from embedded Gravatar images. Appearing alongside player usernames, the root cause was related to how Gravatar presents links to avatars as MD5 hashes within consuming services, a feature Earth 2 advised has now been disabled on their platform. This incident did not expose any further personal information, passwords or financial data.
15.10.2024 - Finsure 296.124 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses

In October 2024, almost 300k unique email addresses from Australian mortgage broking group Finsure were obtained from the ActivePipe real estate marketing platform. The impacted data also included names, phone numbers and physical addresses. The incident did not directly affect any of Finsure's systems or expose any passwords or financial data.
14.10.2024 - The Club Penguin Experience 6.342 Datensätze geleaked
Age groups, Email addresses, Password hints, Passwords, Usernames

In October 2024, The Club Penguin Experience (TCPE) suffered a data breach. The incident exposed over 6k subscribers' email addresses alongside usernames, age groups, passwords stored as bcrypt hashes and in some cases, plain text password hints. TCPE sent prompt disclosure notices to impacted customers following the breach.
01.10.2024 - Switch 5.397 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Job applications, Names, Social media profiles

In October 2024, the Hungarian IT headhunting service Switch inadvertently exposed thousands of customer records via a public GitHub repository. The exposed data contained job applications with names, email addresses and in some cases, commentary on the applicant.
29.09.2024 - digiDirect 304.337 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses

In September 2024, a data breach sourced from the Australian retailer digiDirect was published to a popular hacking forum. The breach exposed over 300k rows of data including email and physical address, name, phone number and date of birth. Approximately half the email addresses were on domains from external marketplaces including Amazon, eBay and Westfield.
28.09.2024 - Internet Archive 31.081.179 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Passwords, Usernames

In September 2024, the digital library of internet sites Internet Archive suffered a data breach that exposed 31M records. The breach exposed user records including email addresses, screen names and bcrypt password hashes.
17.09.2024 - Muah.AI 1.910.261 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Sexual fetishes

In September 2024, the "AI girlfriend" website Muah.AI suffered a data breach. The breach exposed 1.9M email addresses alongside prompts to generate AI-based images. Many of the prompts were highly sexual in nature, with many also describing child exploitation scenarios.
12.09.2024 - Instituto Nacional de Deportes de Chile 319.613 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Names, Passwords, Usernames

In September 2024, the Instituto Nacional de Deportes de Chile (Chile's National Sports Institute) suffered a data breach. The incident exposed 1.7M rows of data with 320k unique email addresses alongside names, dates of birth, genders and bcrypt password hashes. The newest records in the data date back to August 2022, suggesting the breach may be of an older data set.
15.08.2024 - Explore Talent (August 2024) 8.929.384 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses

In August 2024, a slew of security vulnerabilities were identified with a conglomerate of online services which included the talent network Explore Talent. A vulnerable API exposed the personal records of 11.4M users of the service of which 8.9M unique email addresses were provided to HIBP. This incident is separate to the Explore Talent breach which occurred in 2022 and was loaded into HIBP in July 2024.
15.08.2024 - Tracki 372.557 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Names

In August 2024, a slew of security vulnerabilities were identified with a conglomerate of online services which included the GPS tracking service Tracki. Multiple vulnerabilities exposed the personal records of 372k users of the service including names and email addresses.
10.08.2024 - Chris Leong 27.096 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Names, Nationalities, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Purchases, Social media profiles

In August 2024, the website of Master Chris Leong "a leading Tit Tar practitioner in Malaysia" suffered a data breach. The incident exposed 27k unique email addresses along with names, physical addresses, dates of birth, genders, nationalities and in many cases, links to Facebook profiles. The company did not respond when contacted about the breach.
03.08.2024 - Not SOCRadar 282.478.425 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses

In August 2024, over 332M rows of email addresses were posted to a popular hacking forum. The post alleged the addresses were scraped from cybersecurity firm SOCRadar, however an investigation on their behalf concluded that "the actor merely utilised functionalities inherent in the platform's standard offerings, designed to gather information from publicly available sources". There is no suggestion the incident compromised SOCRadar's security or posed any risk to their customers. In total, the data set contained 282M unique addresses of valid email address format.
28.07.2024 - Ubook 699.908 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Names, Profile photos

In July 2024, 700k unique email addresses from the audiobook platform Ubook were posted to a popular hacking forum. Allegedly scraped from the service, the data appears to be sourced from the Ubook Exchange (UBX) and also includes names, genders, dates of birth and links to profile photos.
18.07.2024 - Stealer Logs Posted to Telegram 26.105.473 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Passwords

In July 2024, info stealer logs with 26M unique email addresses were collated from malicious Telegram channels. The data contained 22GB of logs consisting of email addresses, passwords and the websites they were used on, all obtained by malware running on infected machines.
09.07.2024 - The Heritage Foundation 72.004 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Usernames

In July 2024, hacktivists published almost 2GB of data taken from The Heritage Foundation and their media arm, The Daily Signal. The data contained 72k unique email addresses, primarily used for commenting on articles (along with names, IP addresses and the comments left) and by content contributors (along with usernames and passwords stored as either MD5 or phpass hashes).
06.07.2024 - LuLu 2.796.835 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Purchases

In July 2024, the Emirati-based LuLu retail store suffered a data breach. The impacted data included 190k email addresses and associated phone numbers which were subsequently shared on a popular hacking forum. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it be attributed to "IntelBroker". The following month, the threat of leaking the full database was carried out and a backup from October 2022 with a further 2.6M unique email addresses appeared. This data also included names, physical addresses, orders and PBKDF2 password hashes.
04.07.2024 - AnimeLeague 192.134 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, IP addresses, Passwords, Phone numbers, Private messages, Purchases, Usernames

In July 2024, AnimeLeague disclosed a data breach of their services. The data was posted for sale on a popular hacking forum and included 2 databases covering both event registration records and a dump of the phpBB bulletin board. The impacted data included passwords in various hashed formats including SHA-1, salted md5 and bcrypt, as well as usernames, private messages, dates of birth, purchases and 192k unique email addresses.
04.07.2024 - FNTECH 10.386 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, IP addresses, Names

In July 2024, the events management platform FNTECH suffered a data breach that exposed 10k unique email addresses. The data contained registrants from various events, including participants of the Roblox Developer Conference registration list. The data also included names and IP addresses.
04.07.2024 - Husky Owners 16.502 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Time zones, Usernames

In July 2024, the Husky Owners forum website was defaced and linked to a breach of user data containing 16k records. The exposed data included usernames, email addresses, dates of birth and time zones.
01.07.2024 - Central Tickets 722.860 Datensätze geleaked
Device information, Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Purchases

In September 2024, data from the ticketing service Central Tickets was publicly posted to a hacking forum. The data suggests the breach occurred several months earlier and exposed 723k unique email addresses alongside names, phone numbers, IP addresses, purchases and passwords stored as unsalted SHA-1 hashes.
28.06.2024 - Shoe Zone 46.140 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Names, Partial credit card data, Physical addresses, Purchases

In June 2024, the UK footwear chain Shoe Zone disclosed a data breach that was subsequently posted for sale on a popular hacking forum. The data included over 100k orders containing names, addresses, partial credit card numbers (card type and last 4 digits), and 46k unique email addresses. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it be attributed to "IntelBroker".
27.06.2024 - BudTrader 2.721.185 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Passwords, Usernames

In July 2024, a data breach of the now defunct cannabis social platform BudTrader was posted for sale on a hacking forum. Dating back to the previous month, the breach of the website exposed 2.7M email addresses, usernames and WordPress password hashes.
20.06.2024 - Z-lib 9.737.374 Datensätze geleaked
Cryptocurrency wallet addresses, Email addresses, Geographic locations, Passwords, Purchases, Usernames

In June 2024, almost 10M user records from Z-lib were discovered exposed online. Now defunct, Z-lib was a malicious clone of Z-Library, a well-known shadow online platform for pirating books and academic papers. The exposed data included usernames, email addresses, countries of residence, Bitcoin and Monero cryptocurrency wallet addresses, purchases and bcrypt password hashes.
09.06.2024 - mSpy (2024) 2.394.179 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Photos

In June 2024, a huge trove of data from spyware maker mSpy was obtained by hacktivists and published online. Comprising of 142GB of user data and support tickets along with 176GB of more than half a million attachments, the data contained 2.4M unique email addresses, IP addresses names and photos. The data was predominantly support tickets seeking help to install the spyware on target devices, whilst the attachments contained various data including screen grans of financial transactions, photos of credit cards and nude selfies.
05.06.2024 - Advance Auto Parts 79.243.727 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses

In June 2024, Advance Auto Parts confirmed they had suffered a data breach which was posted for sale to a popular hacking forum. Linked to unauthorised access to Snowflake cloud services, the breach exposed a large number of records related to both customers and employees. In total, 79M unique email addresses were included in the breach, alongside names, phone numbers, addresses and further data attributes related to company employees.
04.06.2024 - Spytech 5.645 Datensätze geleaked
Browsing histories, Device information, Email addresses, Names, Passwords, Purchases, Usernames

In July 2024, spyware maker Spytech suffered a data breach that exposed data collected as recently as the previous month. Designed to "invisibly record everything users do", the breach exposed information related to both purchasers and targets of the product. Target data collection (and subsequent exposure) included the infected computer name, browsing history, applications used, usernames of authenticated users, keywords being monitored, file operations (creation and deletion), computer usage times and email addresses, often captured within the spyware's logs. The data also included the names, purchases and md5 password hashes of purchasers.
31.05.2024 - Ticketek 17.643.173 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Names, Passwords, Salutations

In May 2024, the Australian event ticketing company Ticketek reported a data breach linked to a third party cloud-based platform. The following month, the data appeared for sale on a popular hacking forum and was later linked to a series of breaches of the Snowflake cloud storage service. The data contained almost 30M rows with 17.6M unique email addresses alongside names, genders, dates of birth and hashed passwords.
30.05.2024 - Operation Endgame 16.466.858 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Passwords

In May 2024, a coalition of international law enforcement agencies took down a series of botnets in a campaign they coined "Operation Endgame". Data seized in the operation included impacted email addresses and passwords which were provided to HIBP to help victims learn of their exposure.
28.05.2024 - Combolists Posted to Telegram 361.468.099 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Passwords, Usernames

In May 2024, 2B rows of data with 361M unique email addresses were collated from malicious Telegram channels. The data contained 122GB across 1.7k files with email addresses, usernames, passwords and in many cases, the website they were entered into. The data appears to have been sourced from a combination of existing combolists and info stealer malware.
25.05.2024 - pcTattletale 138.751 Datensätze geleaked
Device information, Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, SMS messages, Usernames

In May 2024, the spyware service pcTattletale suffered a data breach that defaced the website and posted tens of gigabytes of data to the homepage, allegedly due to pcTattletale not responding to a previous security vulnerability report. The breach exposed data including membership records, infected PC names, captured messages and extensive logs of IP addresses and device information.
02.05.2024 - The Post Millennial 56.973.345 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Genders, IP addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Usernames

In May 2024, the conservative news website The Post Millennial suffered a data breach. The breach resulted in the defacement of the website and links posted to 3 different corpuses of data including hundreds of writers and editors (IP, physical address and email exposed), tens of thousands of subscribers to the site (name, email, username, phone and plain text password exposed), and tens of millions of email addresses from thousands of mailing lists alleged to have been used by The Post Millennial (this has not been independently verified). The mailing lists appear to be sourced from various campaigns not necessarily run by The Post Millennial and contain a variety of different personal attributes including name, phone and physical address (depending on the campaign). The data was subsequently posted to a popular hacking forum and extensively torrented.
24.04.2024 - Piping Rock 2.103.100 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses

In April 2024, 2.1M email addresses from the online health products store Piping Rock were publicly posted to a popular hacking forum. The data also included names, phone numbers and physical addresses. The account posting the data had previously posted multiple other data breaches which all appear to have been obtained from the Shopify service used by the respective websites.
23.04.2024 - Tappware 94.734 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Genders, Government issued IDs, Job titles, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Religions

In April 2024, a substantial volume of data was taken from the Bangladeshi IT services provider Tappware and published to a popular hacking forum. Comprising of 95k unique email addresses, the data also included extensive labour information on local citizens including names, physical addresses, job titles, dates of birth, genders and scans of government issued national identity (NID) cards.
18.04.2024 - Sport 2000 3.189.643 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Purchases, Salutations

In April 2024, the French sporting equipment manufacturer Sport 2000 announced it had suffered a data breach. The data was subsequently put up for sale on a popular hacking forum and included 4.4M rows with 3.2M unique email addresses alongside names, physical addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth and purchases made by store name. The data was provided to HIBP by a source who requested it be attributed to "".
17.04.2024 - T2 94.584 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, Names, Passwords, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Purchases, Salutations

In April 2024, 95k records from the T2 tea store were posted to a popular hacking forum. Data included email and physical addresses, names, phone numbers, dates of birth, purchases and passwords stored as scrypt hashes.
15.04.2024 - MovieBoxPro 6.009.014 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Usernames

In April 2024, over 6M records from the streaming service MovieBoxPro were scraped from a vulnerable API. Of questionable legality, the service provided no contact information to disclose the incident, although reportedly the vulnerability was rectified after being mass enumerated.
14.04.2024 - Neiman Marcus 31.152.842 Datensätze geleaked
Dates of birth, Email addresses, IP addresses, Names, Partial credit card data, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, Purchases

In May 2024, the American luxury retailer Neiman Marcus suffered a data breach which was later posted to a popular hacking forum. The data included 31M unique email addresses, names, phone numbers, dates of birth, physical addresses and partial credit card data (note: this is insufficient to make purchases). The breach was traced back to a series of attacks against the Snowflake cloud service which impacted 165 organisations worldwide.
13.04.2024 - Le Slip Français 1.495.127 Datensätze geleaked
Email addresses, Names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses

In April 2024, the French underwear maker Le Slip Français suffered a data breach. The breach included 1.5M email addresses, physical addresses, names and phone numbers.
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